Gov't Cites Gandalf: “A Minister is Never Late; She Arrives Precisely When She Means To”

The government has assured concerned Ghanaians that Naa Momo Lartey’s late arrival at her swearing-in was not a mistake, but a strategic demonstration of wizardly timing inspired by none other than Gandalf the Grey. Officials revealed that after an intense Lord of the Rings binge-watching session at the Jubilee House aimed at improving their strategic planning—specifically their understanding of time and destiny—they realized punctuality is overrated. "A minister’s arrival must be dramatic and meaningful, not bound by the shackles of the clock," explained spokesperson Felix Kwakye Ofosu, adding that Naa Momo's entrance was "perfectly timed."

Insiders claim the Minister, fresh from her own personal "quest" disguised as a family emergency outside Accra, arrived at the Jubilee House at the exact moment the President mentioned her name. "It was all part of a grand design... almost magical," Ofosu explained. "If you recall, in The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf himself only appears when absolutely necessary, and we believe this was the perfect moment for her dramatic entrance. Imagine how dull it would have been if she had shown up with the others!" Rumors are circulating that the President had prepared two speeches—one for a full council and another for a solemn, solo ceremony featuring Naa Momo in Gandalf costume.

Meanwhile, Ghanaians, who have long suspected their politicians exist in a fantasy world of their own making, are left flipping through their classical fantasy novels in a bid to understand the government's future behaviors. Until then, citizens have been advised to embrace the wisdom of Middle-earth: punctuality is for mere mortals, but ministers arrive with the gravitas of wizards.

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